
If you need further help or advice, please contact: Vicky Clarke-Gear on 01953 548125 ousevalevicky@hotmail.co.uk
Occasionally, we receive enquiries from people wishing to purchase a Golden Doodle/Spangold or a crossbreed with a similar made up name. These crossbreeds are a deliberate attempt to mislead the public that there is an advantage to owning these ‘designer dogs’ who are prone to all of the genetic diseases of both breeds and offer none of the advantages that owning a purebred dog has to offer. Speak to any groomer or vet regarding the ‘shedding’ myth and behavioural issues that these dogs can suffer from. The attached article from the Royal Veterinary College also debunks the myth that designer crossbreeds are any healthier than their purebred cousins. As a club, we expect all our members to undertake the basic health tests for hips/elbows/eyes and ICT as a minimum when breeding. The Golden Retriever comes from generations of dogs with a common gene pool, characteristic appearance and temperament. A Golden Retriever crossed with a poodle or similar is nothing more than an expensive mixed breed dog.